
Senin, 08 Mei 2023


Gelinggang leaf is a plant that is rich in nutrients. The plant contains anthraquinones, glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, lectins, rhein and tannins.

Some of the compounds isolated from its leaves are chrysoeriol, kaempferol, quercetin, trihydroflavanone, kaempferol, glucopyranoside, stearic acid, palmitic acid, palmitic acid Ceryl Ester, triacontanol, dotriacontanol and hydrotetratriacontane.

If you look at the content in it, there are so many benefits of gelinggang leaves for health.

Some of the benefits of gelinggang leaves that can be obtained, as follows:

1. Treats Skin Diseases

The ethanol extract and aqueous extract obtained by boiling cassia alata leaves in water have remarkable anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that are effective for treating skin diseases.

This content is able to fight ringworm because it has anti-dermatophyte properties which is the main cause of ringworm.

It is also very effective against Cadidia albicans, Microsporum canis, and Trichyophyton mentagraphytes.

All these benefits of gelinggang leaves to treat skin diseases have also been described in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science.

2. Relieves Inflammation

Gelinggang leaves have remarkable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Sticking the leaves on the affected area can help reduce inflammation effectively.

In fact, cassia alata showed the most anti-inflammatory properties against four other herbal extracts that were tested together.

3. Lowers Fever

This plant has remarkable anti-pyretic or fever-reducing properties and its water extract can be used to lower high body temperatures.

The water extract of gelinggang leaves can also be used to treat malaria fever as it has anti-malarial properties as well.

4. Overcoming Worms

In general, cassia plants have anthelmintic properties or the ability to repel worms.

However, cassia alata or gelinggang leaves are considered to be particularly potent.

The aqueous extract of gelinggang leaves can be taken to repel worms and has been used traditionally for many years.

5. Anti-diabetic Properties

Cassia alata or gelinggang leaves have blood sugar lowering properties and this action is believed to be due to inhibiting the digestion of carbohydrates.

Slowing down the digestion of carbohydrates leads to a slow release of sugar hence very helpful for diabetic patients.

6. Prevents Tumors

Isolates extracted from cassia alata have remarkable anti-tumor properties and have been shown to be effective against colon cancer, bladder carcinoma, and colorectal carcinoma.

The extract isolated from cassia alata is named f61 and amazingly it causes no damage to non-cancerous cells.

7. Getting Rid of Parasites

Cassia alata has ovicidal and larval properties and is used to eradicate sheep and goat nematodes.

The water extract can be safely used to get rid of parasites.

8. Improves Digestion

Cassia leaf extract obtained by boiling the leaves in water has been used traditionally to treat constipation.

The Journal of the Medicine Association of Thailand explains the anthraquinone content in cassia leaves is thought to be the active ingredient that causes the laxative effect.

9. Prevents Oxidative Stress

Quercetin contained in gelinggang leaves functions as a powerful antioxidant to protect brain cells from oxidative stress damage.

This leaf extract protects the brain from toxicity related to D galactose so that it can prevent various brain disorders such as alzheimer's, viral and bacterial meningitis, dementia and also stroke.

10. Prevents Mouth, Teeth and Gum Disorders

The boiled water of gelinggang leaves can be used to gargle which is useful for inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

For this reason, the benefits are able to cure cavities, whiten teeth, gum infections as well as overcome oral mucosal infections.

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